We are experts in the design and implementation of business optimisation models and strategies to improve your firm’s bottom line. Optimising your business can be achieved through many channels and techniques; but they all focus on a common objective of either maximising profit or minimising cost.

Sando’s expertise in achieving superior business optimisation results stems from our choice to specialise in the four distinct optimisation approaches outlined below. Our experience has shown these approaches to be applicable to, and have the potential to generate noticeable returns for, any firm in any industry sector.

Quantitative Business Modeling

We review and assess core facets of your business operations, processes, procedures and supply chains. We then identify situations where quantitative modeling can reveal and determine optimum strategy choices and improvements. In this process we use advanced forecasting, simulation and optimisation techniques to model the unavoidable uncertainty in business and to draw robust conclusions that will improve your bottom line.

Capital Budgeting

We review and assess your organisation’s capital budgeting methodologies, processes and decisions to identify improvements. We introduce optimising evaluation rules/criteria within purpose-built decision templates and flexible, dynamic numerical assessment tools.

Vendor and Contract Optimisation

We review and assess your current contractual position in relation to either a specific party or a key sector of your business. We identify shortfalls and advise best-practice strategies to improve your position via harnessing economies of scale, scope, simplicity and competitive market forces. We look to move your core contracts from ‘transaction’ to ‘relational’.

Agency Analysis

We review and assess your firm’s relationships (both internal and external) and expose misaligned motivations between your firm and its employees, contractors,agents and suppliers. We analyse and quantify your organisation’s associated risk exposure and devise appropriate solutions to reduce the potential for pre-contractual and post-contractual opportunism (adverse selection and moral hazard).

Click here for more information about how Sando can also transfer these skills to your staff.